Summer Project: coursework planning

 1) Research: Fantasy TV drama extracts

Watch the following fantasy TV drama clips and write an NCIS analysis of each one.

Clip 1: His Dark Materials

Narrative and genre: What is the story here? How is the narrative communicated to the audience? How does this fit the fantasy genre? 

Technical codes: What camera shots do you notice and what do they communicate to the audience? How is sound used to create atmosphere? What aspects of mise-en-scene (CLAMPS) help to communicate meaning to the audience?

Representations: What representations can you find in this clip - does it reinforce or subvert stereotypes? How? 

Clip 2: Charmed

Narrative and genre: What is the story here? How is the narrative communicated to the audience? How does this fit the fantasy genre? 

Technical codes: What camera shots do you notice and what do they communicate to the audience? How is sound used to create atmosphere? What aspects of mise-en-scene (CLAMPS) help to communicate meaning to the audience?

Representations: What representations can you find in this clip - does it reinforce or subvert stereotypes? How? 

Clip 3: Shadow and Bone

Narrative and genre: What is the story here? How is the narrative communicated to the audience? How does this fit the fantasy genre? 

Technical codes: What camera shots do you notice and what do they communicate to the audience? How is sound used to create atmosphere? What aspects of mise-en-scene (CLAMPS) help to communicate meaning to the audience?

Representations: What representations can you find in this clip - does it reinforce or subvert stereotypes? How? 

Additional research: optional extension
Depending on your coursework plan and the type of TV drama sequence you wish to create, you may want to research additional TV drama extracts. Focus on the fantasy genre of TV drama - this article on the best 10 fantasy TV shows may be useful

Whatever you watch, make sure you write some additional notes or bullet points about these fantasy TV dramas on your blog so you are documenting your research.

2) TV drama planning 

Plan out the title and narrative for your new, original fantasy TV drama so you know how your extract will fit into the overall series.

Complete this TV drama pitch document with your NEW original idea for a fantasy TV drama aimed at a family audience. Copy and paste the questions from the Google doc into your blog. 

3) Statement of Intent

On the same Summer Project blogpost, write the rough first draft of your genuine 300-word Statement of Intent for the two-minute sequence you plan to create. The final draft of this document will be submitted to the exam board alongside your fantasy TV drama extract and is worth 10 marks of the overall 60 marks available.

Guidance is provided by AQA in their NEA Student Booklet but we strongly recommend you also look at our Statement of Intent suggested content document too.


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