
Showing posts from November, 2022

Audience Effects Theory

  1) Write a definition of a   passive  audience:  An audience that is exposed to media/marketing material but doesn't actively engage with the content or messaging. 2)  Write a definition of an active audience:  An active audience engages, interprets and responds to a media text in different ways and is capable of challenging the ideas encoded in it. A passive audience is more likely to accept the messages encoded in a media text without challenge and are therefore more likely to be directly affected by the messages. 3) Write a definition of the  hypodermic needle   theory:  The audience are always passive and therefore take the intend message from the producer as if it was injected into their minds 4) Write down a media product (e.g. TV show, newspaper or video game ) for each category of Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory and WHY it fits that particular audience use/gratification. The ...

Reception theory

1) What is the preferred reading of a media text? Preferred reading of a media text is the oppositional reading. 2) What is the oppositional reading of a media text? Oppositional reading means it  goes against the meaning the producers are trying to create. The audience reject the intended message and construct an opposite reading instead. This can be due to their own social, political or moral beliefs and values.  3) How does the Harry Brown trailer position the audience to respond to the teenage characters in the film? The Harry Brown trailer positions the audience to responding to the teenagers as violent and aggressive. 4) Why might young people reject this reading and construct an oppositional reading of the trailer? Young people may reject this reading and construct a oppositional reading because not all young people are like that and it makes them look bad.

Demographics and Psychographics

1) What information do media companies use to create a demographic profile of their audience? Media producers define and categorise their audience through demographic profiles. A demographic audience profile defines groups based on things like age, gender, income, education and occupation. 2) Why are media companies and advertisers increasingly using audience profiling and not just demographics?  It's essential for companies who wish to identify and target their audience segments who have the most buying power and are willing to spend the most. 2) What Psycho graphic groups fit YOUR own interests and lifestyle? Explain your decision and remember you may fit into two or three different groups.  Lifestyles, Interests and Values