coursework : statement of intent (new)
Title: Dark Deception Genre : Fantasy Extract: Chapter 1 of Dark deception Doug Houser Trapped in Afterlife. (Between heaven and Hell) Narrative summary: The title 'Dark Deception - No Way Back' alternatively contrast to face the darkness and find a way to survive. In this TV show, starts off with a dark intro with words saying "It is done. Now my faith lies in darkness..." being typed with a typewriter. Afterwards, the protagonist (Doug Houser) meets a mysterious woman named Bierce. Bierce explains that she knows all the terrible things that the protagonist has done, and knows their desires. Trapped in a realm of nightmarish mazes with this mysterious woman. This is the first chapter in the Dark Deception story. I intent to have the protagonist Investigate and survive the first maze. It's a mixes the fast-paced style of classic arcade games with fun horror game design. confined in a dark world full of nightmarish mazes and anxiety-inducing monsters, the only wa...